[cabf_validation] Minutes of 25 April 2019

Doug Beattie doug.beattie at globalsign.com
Thu Apr 25 10:43:13 MST 2019


Running the meeting: Wayne (Tim not available)


Assign Notetaker: Doug


Read Antitrust statement: Wayne



  Doug Beattie

  Dimitris Zacharopoulos 

  Enrico Entschew 

  Joanna Fox

  Li-Chun Chen

  Mahmud Khair

  Robin Alden

  Ryan Sleevi

  Shelley Brewer

  Tim Shirley

  Wayne Thayer



Review agenda - no comments

*	Discuss SC17
*	Discuss SC18
*	Any Other business


Ballot SC17: Alternative registration numbers for EV certificates

*	Ballot is in discussion period
*	There are a couple of open questions that Tim previously said he's
working on.
*	Review period ends on 26 April, 3:30 PM Eastern time, but we expect
Tim to post a new version soon.


Ballot SC18: Phone Contact with DNS CAA Phone Contact

*	Ballot is in voting period
*	An issue was found, so ballot will fail and Doug will create a new
replacement ballot with these fixes:

*	Replace contactemail with contactphone (copy/paste issue)
*	Replace "May Not" with "Must Not" to align with standard terms in
the BRs


Any Other business:

*	Wayne initiated a short discussion on the Bylaws ballot (not really
part of VWG)

*	There have been a few sets of changes over the past few months
*	Ryan asked if there are any known changes coming because Legal
departments have already reviewed it a few times.

*	Answer: None at the moment, except Dimitris raised a numbering
question.  One section may need to manually numbered because the markdown is
using numbers instead of letters and there is a reference in the IPR
agreement to a specific item in this list.


*	Method 10:  Doug asked if the applicable RFC for TLS-ALPN-01,
RFC8555, has been completed yet so we could replace Method 10 with this new

*	Ryan said he will chase Roland to find out what the status and why
it's taking so long for final approval


*	Trello board review (Wayne)

*	Waiting for TLS ALPN (status discussed above)
*	Method 6 updates: Tim will propose a ballot at some point.




Doug Beattie

GlobalSign Inc.






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