[cabf_validation] [cabfPAG] Domain Validation Methods Proposal

Jeremy Rowley jeremy.rowley at digicert.com
Wed Jul 29 12:46:51 MST 2015

Isn’t the PAG convening primarily to review the disclosed patents and make a recommendation on current work product based on the disclosures?

From: pag-bounces at cabforum.org [mailto:pag-bounces at cabforum.org] On Behalf Of Ryan Sleevi
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 1:31 PM
To: kirk_hall at trendmicro.com
Cc: pag at cabforum.org; validation at cabforum.org
Subject: Re: [cabfPAG] Domain Validation Methods Proposal

On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 12:23 PM, kirk_hall at trendmicro.com<mailto:kirk_hall at trendmicro.com> <kirk_hall at trendmicro.com<mailto:kirk_hall at trendmicro.com>> wrote:

Thanks for the explanation, Gerv.  I think it will be some weeks before a revised draft ballot modifying the domain validation methods under BR (formerly BR 11.1.1) will be ready for review by the PAG.  The VWG's plan is to continue working on a draft ballot until we think it's in good shape, then sent it to the public list and full Forum for discussion and suggestions, that bring it back to the VWG for any final editing.  At that point, there will be an actual proposed ballot on new validation methods that can come back to the full Forum and to public list for final discussion and adoption.

The best time for the PAG to look at a finished ballot, therefore, is at the end, after the review by the VWG and Forum has been completed, and any final edits have been made.
Respectfully, but rather clearly, I'm going to have to disagree with you here. This continues to rest on the assumption that the role of the PAG is to examine specific claims and specific methods. If this were true, you might have a point - although I think it's questionable as to whether it's more beneficial or not to begin the review as early as possible, considering review takes time.

However, to the extent that the PAG is not exclusively dealing with these issues, as stated repeatedly (and requested in the original formation of the PAG, and consistent with Section 7.1 of the IPR), there is no reason to refrain. Indeed, it would be significantly more useful if the PAG can work to provide guidance on the applicability and expectations of the IPR policy to the work going on in, so that we don't have to see multiple "final" ballots put together. That would be of a far greater use to the Forum at large (not needing to review multiple proposals), and offer far more iterative feedback to the VWG.

In the meantime -- to my knowledge, the PAG has never reviewed the six EXISTING domain validation methods of CURRENT BR  Because these six methods will all be included in the new ballot (plus some additional validation methods that we are adding), it might be a useful project for the PAG right now to review the CURRENT BR domain validation methods against all disclosed patent claims.  Whatever the result is, it will be useful later when the revised ballot is ready for PAG review.  Does that make sense to you?
Again, this was discussed at length on the call.

I think it might be far more useful to avoid rehashing things already discussed if, as suggested earlier, you wait for the opportunity to review the minutes, to see that such suggestions were already made and discussed. While the list is beneficial (in that it goes to all members, especially with as many lists CC'd here), the minutes go to the list and do that just as well, and perhaps more succinctly than ongoing threads rehashing things.

Hopefully you will realize, as I've tried to echo repeatedly, that a key request for the formation of the PAG was NOT to review the existing domain validation methods, since it is a necessary FIRST step to ensure there is a common understanding and agreement about the IPR policy and how it plays out. This was discussed as one of the first and necessary activities of the PAG, and why I've repeatedly suggested that waiting for the minutes may provide clarity before offering suggestions about what is and isn't the scope of the PAG or the priorities - by hopefully ensuring an understanding of the issues being looked at.
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