[cabfpub] Results on Ballot 187 - Make CAA Checking Mandatory

Ryan Sleevi sleevi at google.com
Thu Mar 9 14:57:25 UTC 2017

On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 9:46 AM, Gervase Markham via Public <
public at cabforum.org> wrote:

> On 09/03/17 14:08, Phillip Hallam-Baker via Public wrote:
> > Lets hold off on a followup ballot until after I can talk to the IETF
> > Security ADs in Chicago at the end of the month.
> >
> > I would like us to decide exactly what handling we want for CNAME and
> > DNAME and ensure the spec is completely clear and unambiguous.
> I am not unwilling to hold off, but surely the results of such
> discussions would be reflected in an RFC erratum, not in the CAB Forum
> documents?

I too am uncertain the benefits of holding off. Even if we were to accept
that such a discussion belonged in the CA/Browser Forum documents -
although, like Gerv, I believe better reflected through the IETF consensus
process in IETF documents - I'm uncertain why we shouldn't correct the
minor error now, and leave that for a ballot later, especially should it
generate any controversy.
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