[cabf_validation] Emailing: March 1st Agenda.docx

Corey Bonnell CBonnell at trustwave.com
Thu Feb 15 12:20:07 MST 2018

I had an idea about the "Fundamentals" agenda item where basic terms (such as email, DNS, etc.) will be defined. Several of the validation methods utilize the same terms, such as: "Random Value", "Request Token", "Domain Contact", "Authorization Domain Name", etc. I was thinking that it might be good to identify and define those terms during the "Fundamentals" section so that subsequent presenters need not worry about providing their own descriptions for these terms (and avoid potential overlap).


Corey Bonnell
Senior Software Engineer
t: +1 412.395.2233

www.trustwave.com <http://www.trustwave.com/>

On 2/15/18, 11:49 AM, "Validation on behalf of Tim Hollebeek via Validation" <validation-bounces at cabforum.org on behalf of validation at cabforum.org> wrote:

    Attached is the agenda document we discussed on the call.

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