[cabfpub] Ballot 147

Rijt, R.A. van de (Robert) - Logius robert.vande.rijt at logius.nl
Tue Jun 23 06:35:28 UTC 2015

Logius PKIoverheid votes YES.

Ballot 147 - Attorney-Accountant Letter Changes


This is a validation working group final product that will amend the EV Guidelines to permit verification of legal existence through an attorney/accountant opinion letter. This change is based on the rationale that attorneys are the most skilled at verifying legal existence, yet are currently not permitted to do so. To ensure that a single legal letter is not the sole source of validation, language was included to require corroboration with a QIIS.

Kirk Hall of TrendMicro made the following motion, Cecilia Kam from Symantec and Jeremy Rowley from DigiCert have endorsed it.


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