[cabfpub] Ballot Voting

Rijt, R.A. van de (Robert) - Logius robert.vande.rijt at logius.nl
Mon Oct 13 06:56:44 UTC 2014

Logius PKIoverheid votes as follows:

118 - SHA1 Sunset                                                     : YES (although I would favor more stringent measures)

123 - Revalidation of Information                               : YES

125 - CAA Records                                                     : YES (already voted yes for this ballot in previous e-mail)

134 - Application of RFC 5280 to Pre-certificates        : YES

135 - ETSI Auditor Qualifications                                : YES

136 - Chair Election                                                    : YES

137 - Voting Process Bylaw Amendment                   : ABSTAIN

138 - Information Sharing Working Group                  : YES



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